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Gameboy 4MB 128KB FRAM Flash Cart (Low power, Perfect for LSDJ)

$47.00 USD

This re-programmable Flash Cartridge is made for LSDJ users who want a low power cart with 128KB of FRAM which means no more batteries! Designed and made in Australia.

Need to flash a game on this cart? Make sure to grab our GBxCart Flasher.

This is the one of the lowest powered cart available on the market at ~10mA current consumption! Excellent for LSDJ (consumes a bit more power). Works with regular MBC5 games too and GB Studio MBC5 with saving if you wish to develop your own game.

A generic clear cart shell is included separately. Looking for higher quality cart shells? Check our generic DMG or GBC high quality cart shell listings.

Questions? Jump on our Discord server.

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This cart works on every Gameboy system – GB, MGB, GBC, GBA, GBA SP and the Game Boy Player. Games that require more than 4MB of ROM won’t work. Check this list of Gameboy games to see the ROM/RAM size and MBC type your game will have.

Each unit is assembled in house and is tested on a Gameboy Advance.

ROM: 4MB Flash
FRAM: 128KB – No battery needed!

The PCB finish is ENIG.

Additional information

Weight 45 g
Flash carts

Gameboy carts, GB Studio support, Low power, LSDJ compatible, MBC5 support, Saving supported


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