GBC Button RGB LED Flex with Battery Gauge

$17.00 USD

Light up your GBC with this RGB LED flex board with battery gauge suited for rechargeable NiMH AAs. Choose from 9 different colours – blue, light blue, red, pink, purple, yellow, orange, green, light green, white or turn them off or set to your own custom colour by setting red, green and blue.

You can change the colour of the 4 different segments – Dpad, Select/Start, B/A and battery gauge. Check the video below on how to use it.

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Promo price is limited to one per customer.

1 ready to build (5-10 days build time)



Enter configuration – Hold Start + A buttons for 3 seconds
Press B to cycle the segments – Dpad, Select/Start, B/A and battery gauge
Press A to cycle the colour for the segment selected

Custom colour mode
When in the configuration, press Start to enter the custom colour mode.
Press B to lower the red LED brightness or A to increase it.
Press Start to change to the blue LED.
Press Start again to change to the green LED.
Press Start to change to exit

To save and exit configuration – Hold down the Start button for 3 seconds, the LEDs will turn white to confirm


  • Pre-tin the P10, P11 and P13 pads (Start, B, A)
  • Place the flex board over the mainboard and then solder down P10 (A).
  • Make sure the alignment is still correct and then solder P11 (B) and then P13 (Start)
  • Solder GND and VDD and lastly BT+

Additional information

Weight 20 g


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