GBC Regulator with OLED screen

$37.00 USD

This is a unique GBC power regulator board with an OLED screen plus:
– Voltage and current sensor
– IMU (Accelerometer and Gyro)
– Temperature/Humidity sensor
– ATmega328PB (8MHz internal clock) with serial programming pads (on top)
– Button (on top)

Scroll down for videos.

It’s basically a dev board for you to re-program, comes pre-programmed with the demo 4 modes as per the video below. Can be programmed using our CH340 USB Serial adapter board while installed in a GBC or any other 3.3v serial adapter that includes a reset line – you will need to solder 4 thin wires to the small pads on the top. Uses the Arduino software (see below for settings) with some libraries so you can easily re-program it to do anything you like, here is our example code (v1.1). Includes the 3 and 4 pin headers (unsoldered).

3 ready to build (5-10 days build time)



Arduino Settings
Install MiniCore from the board manager.
Go to Tools > Board > MiniCore > ATmega328 then use these settings:

Libraries required
Adafruit INA219 v1.2.3
ClosedCube HDC1080 v1.3.2
LSM6 v2.0.1
U8g2 v2.34.22

To re-program, solder on to the top 4 pads.
Reg GND = CH340 GND
Reg RX = CH340 TX
Reg TX = CH340 RX
RST = CH340 RST or DTR
Power up your GBC, plug in your serial adapter, confirm the Arduino settings are correct and then press the -> “Upload” icon.

Additional information

Weight 23 g


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