ROM Backup – Run to backup the ROM
Save Management (backup/restore) – Run to backup the save data. Drag and drop a save file to restore it to the cart
Flasher – Drag and drop a ROM file to write to your flash cart
Windows (TBA)
Mac/Linux (TBA) – will require to you find your COM port, edit the rs232.c file and re-compile, see more below.
The programs analyse the ROM information on the cart or in the ROM file and selects the correct settings (ROM size, RAM size, etc) based on it.
Mac/Linux Setup
For Mac: You may need to install this CH340G driver –
For Linux: Make sure your kernel is up to date as the device may not be recognised.
1. Open the zip file downloaded and drag the folder to your desktop.
2. Open a terminal window and change directory to the directory by using “cd”
3. You will need to compile the application by typing in “make”.
4. Make sure your user is part of the “dialout” group so you can open serial port devices. You can run “sudo adduser your_username_here dialout” if you aren’t sure.
5. You can then run the application by typing in “./snesxflasher_rom_backup_v1.0” for example.
If it has trouble connecting to the serial port, continue on with these steps:
6. Run “sudo ls /dev” to see if you can find a device similar to tty.chusbserial630.
7. Open the rs232/rs232.c file to edit it.
8. Replace the first entry as shown and save the file.
9. Re-compile and re-run the program by following step 4 and 5 again. This time it should connect.
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