Gameboy 24-Switch Puzzle Flash Cart

$27.00 USD

This unique flash cartridge has 24 switches which you need to flip to the right position to unlock the cartridge. Check out the video below. You are able to program the locked 32KB ROM and the unlocked 32KB ROM as well as the unlock switch position states. Designed and made in Australia.

Do you want to take the randomised switch challenge? If so, you could win a $10 gift card. You will have to provide a picture of the switches so we can verify the successful unlock.

Only re-flashable / re-programable with GBxCart RW.

A generic clear cart shell is included separately. Looking for higher quality cart shells? Check our generic DMG or GBC high quality cart shell listings.

Questions? Jump on our Discord server.

SKU: N/A Category:


This cart works on every Gameboy system – GB, MGB, GBC, GBA, GBA SP and the Game Boy Player.

Questions? Jump on our Discord server where we and other users can help you or contact us via Twitter.

Comes in a generic Gameboy cartridge, no label. Each unit is assembled in house and is tested on a Gameboy Advance.

How it works
If the switch combinations don’t match the programmed values in the MCU then the cart is locked and will boot the locked ROM. The system needs to be powered off and then the switch combinations can be changed and you can try to boot again. When the switches match, then the success ROM will be booted.


How to flash the locked ROM
You should flash your “locked” ROM or use the included “XXXXX” ROM which will show XXXXX at boot when the switch combinations don’t match the programmed values. Flash the ROM using with gbxcart_rw_puzzle_flasher_v1.1.exe (drag and drop the ROM file to it).

How to re-program the switch combination and flash the success/unlocked ROM
Firstly you must ensure that the switches are in the correct position to unlock the cart otherwise the below won’t work. It’s very important to write down the switch combination or screenshot it otherwise you won’t be able to re-program the switches or success/unlocked ROM.

Run the gbxcart_rw_puzzle_cart_reprogram_v1.0.exe file and enter in a 0 or 1 corresponding to each switch.

Once the re-programming is complete, you should now flash your success ROM using gbxcart_rw_puzzle_flasher_v1.0.exe (drag and drop the ROM file to it).

No saves supported.

The PCB finish is ENIG.

Additional information

Weight 28 g
Switch Combination


Flash carts

32KB carts, Gameboy carts


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