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Gameboy 2MB 128KB SRAM Flash Cart (Ultra low power, Perfect for LSDJ)

$34.00 USD

What do we mean when we say ultra low power? We mean it consumes the same power as a genuine cartridge and sometimes can be even lower power than them! It seems to shine when the Gameboy is under a high load. This is likely the lowest power 2MB flash cart available today! Designed and made in Australia.

This re-programmable Flash Cartridge is MBC5 only which allows you to play most of the later released Gameboy/Gameboy Colour games including some of the Pokemon games (no RTC support), Zelda DX, LSDJ, etc and allows you to re-flash it with any flasher like GBxCart RW that supports the M29F160F chip.

Excellent for LSDJ and works with LittleFM. Works with GB Studio v1.1.0+ with saving if you wish to develop your own game. Check this list of Gameboy games to see the ROM/RAM size and MBC type your game will have, you would be looking for MBC5 games but most MBC3 games should work and a few MBC1 games may work.

Need to flash a game on this cart? Make sure to grab our GBxCart Flasher.

Please note, if you order more than 5+ in one shipment, only 4 will have batteries due to shipping limitations.

A generic clear cart shell is included separately. Looking for higher quality cart shells? Check our generic DMG or GBC high quality cart shell listings.
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Allows for 8KB RAM locking useful for MBC1 games like Donkey Kong Country 3 by bridging the jumper with solder here.

This cart works on every Gameboy system – GB, MGB, GBC, GBA, GBA SP and the Game Boy Player. Games that require more than 2MB of ROM won’t work.

Comes in a generic Gameboy cartridge. Each unit is assembled in house and is tested on a Gameboy Advance.

ROM: 2MB Flash (M29F160F)
SRAM: 128KB battery backed with a CR2025 (should last 8 years or more) or CR2032 (should last 10 years or more)
MBC: MBC5 (with ROM banking range 0x2000 – 0x3000 to allow for some MBC3/1 games)

Most MBC3 games should work.
MBC1 games that won’t work: Any that needs 32KB RAM or requires more than 512KB of ROM or bank switches to bank 0 (e.g. the original Zelda).

The PCB finish is ENIG.

Additional information

Weight 35 g
Flash carts

Gameboy carts, GB Studio support, Low power, LSDJ compatible, MBC3 support, MBC5 support, Saving supported


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