Gameboy 4MB 32KB FRAM Mini Flash Cart (fits in a GBA cartridge for GBA/GBA SP)

$39.00 USD

This is a unique Gameboy flash cart which fits inside a GBA reproduction cartridge so you can play on the GBA and GBA SP without the cartridge sticking out like it does for a regular Gameboy cartridge. Because of that, this cart will only work in the GBA, GBA SP and the Game Boy Player. The GBA repo cart will need to trigger GB mode – we did this with a bit of hot glue on the bottom left side.

Cart is MBC5 only which allows you to play most of the later released Gameboy/Gameboy Colour games including some of the Pokemon games (no RTC support), Zelda DX, LSDJ (only 1 song), etc. Designed and made in Australia.

Need to flash a game on this cart? Make sure to grab our GBxCart Flasher.

Includes a generic clear or clear blue reproduction GBA cart shell (separately) which you will need to modify yourself to trigger GB mode. Looking for other colour cart shells? Check our high quality GBA cart shell listing.

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This cart only fits properly in the GBA, GBA SP and the Game Boy Player. If you can fit it in a DMG, MGB or GBC then it will work too but it won’t fit using the GBA cartridge shell. Games that require more than 4MB of ROM won’t work.

ROM: 4MB Flash
FRAM: 32KB (Data retention of 20-50 years)
MBC: MBC5 (with ROM banking range 0x2000 – 0x3000 to allow for some MBC3/1 games)

Most MBC3 games should work.
MBC1 games that won’t work: Any that needs 32KB RAM or requires more than 512KB of ROM.

The PCB finish is ENIG.

The 4MB flash chip appears to consume about 20mA more when it’s under load for example when running LSDJ.

Additional information

Weight 25 g
Product understanding

I understand this is a Gameboy Flash cart which only works on the GBA, GBA SP and Game Boy Player

Flash carts

Gameboy carts, GB in GBA cart, GB Studio support, Low power, LSDJ compatible, MBC5 support, Saving supported


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